
发布时间:2022-11-24 17:50:32阅读时间:1398
本文导读:2月6日,林忆莲经纪人陈镇川承认林忆莲与小11岁男友恭硕良已于1年前分手,随后林忆莲在微博回应此事,她发文表示:“Jun and I had consciously uncoupled i

2月6日,林忆莲掮客人陈镇川承认林忆莲与小11岁男朋友恭硕良已于1年前离婚,随后林忆莲在微博回应此事,她发文暗示:“Jun and I had consciously uncoupled in January 2019.It was with hearts full of sorrow that we had decided to move on our own paths after 8 years of going through thick and thin together.This was a difficult decision but one we consciously made with deep love and caring for each other. 2019年的一月,恭硕良师长和我很是理性地做出了人生新的决定。在一起履历了八年夸姣的日子后,咱们决定各自走向各自的人生。这是一个艰苦、且哀痛的选择,但也是一个出自对于彼此的爱与关切而做出的决定。感谢同伙们的关切。停整理同伙们这段时候可以尊敬咱们的私隐。这段日子同伙们有更紧张的事情要措置及放置,停整理列位好好赐顾帮衬身段及援助身旁有必要的人。”