搜索 Kathy

  • 这是第一次也是唯一一次恶魔附体在美国谋杀案审判中被正式用作辩解来由的案件,来历于影戏《招魂3》里的真实事务,收录了恶魔附身和谋杀的第一手材料,迫使人们沉思对未知的惧怕。
  • 潘亚是个电子情书之迷,并且停整理找到心目中的一个白马王子,天天在电脑里浪荡,有一天他看到本人有个抱负的对象,因此天天与他上彀.他们日久生情,对方想与她们碰头,他们的碰头越接近死亡的边沿...
  • From filmmakers of Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, this film goes beyond the headlines of the Ghislaine Maxwell case to tell the story of Epstein's mystery accomplice, illuminating how her class and privilege concealed her predatory nature.
  • When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an evil Doctor and his last patient victim trap them in the old abandoned psychiatric ward.
  • 更始开放早期,国家政策调剂,计较机研究所举行变化。研究员张镇南萌生了开公司的设法主意,公司创建的进程极为艰辛。张镇南看按机遇,领导研发了汉卡,随后与P P公司合作进一步加强了公司的实力。在自力扛起国产电脑大旗今后,他们面临国内外众多集团品牌的剧烈竞争,此时张镇南却又不可后背往日战友对簿公堂。然而,任何困难都挡不住张镇南想…
  • Hank Hill is an old fashioned, hardworking, beer drinking man who is trying to live in a modern Texas world. His wife is opinionated, his son is a disappointment, his friends are losers, and his Father is oppressive. But through it all, Hank keeps a level head, a strong sense of morality, and by doing so keeps himself …
  • 两位原作者汉纳巴伯拉在1975年回来后,猫和老鼠又建造了新一版,这版猫和老鼠的外相色彩变淡,画的也简略了不少,并且这一版里它们大大都为交情关系,暴力度也低于前面的几版。
  • A delusional misfit becomes suicidal when his favorite TV show is cancelled. An agent promises to make him a TV star if he kills certain people, so he becomes The Baby Mask Killer.
  • With a sudden attack by the Japanese, British Major-General Maltby and his top officers struggle with the decision to either fight to the death or offer a humiliating surrender of the British Colony of Hong Kong.
  • 派特·贝克(托尼·德普 Tony Doupe 饰)是小镇的一位警长。然而他的儿子科特·贝克(亚伦·布莱克利 Aaron Blakely 饰)却有着极为阴郁的曩昔。十三年前,他因残暴地殛毙了本人的亲生母亲而被关进了神经医院。  然而噩梦就在科特逃离神经医院那刻开端了。精力错 乱的科特不单大开杀戒,更展开了可骇的复仇殛毙。心急如焚的派特四处搜寻儿子科…