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  • Guilty Pleasure explores the complex relationships and personal struggles of three ambitious lawyers as they navigate their way through love, betrayal, and ambition.
  • 面對疫情封鎖來襲,Tom筹算好好在家事情,誰知許久不見的Kendrick跑了回來。一向暗戀著Kendrick的Tom,心中春水蕩漾,豈料Kendrick是為了一個女孩回來的?與此同時,Kendrick染上了新冠肺炎。一波未平一波又起,兩人最後會若何呢?
  • 1949年春,为破获保密局暗害小组,争夺公平易近党某兵团起义,松江市公安局专案组启用隐匿在官方的狙击高手苏文谦担当垂问,匹敌保密局派出的一号杀手池铁城。苏文谦曾是与池铁城同伴多年的杀手,在与专案构成员一次次同生共死的考验中,曾发誓不再拿枪的苏文谦真正熟悉到了共产党才是中国的停整理与将来,诚意实意站到了大众一边,也从新找回了…
  • 当一艘外星牢狱飞船在加州戈壁坠毁时,开释出一个又一个怪物,他们敏捷祛除了试图阻拦他们的军队。 如今阻拦外星人的唯一停整理,在于当局一个专门研究外星武器的奥秘分支-怪物猎人同盟。 但因为这个团队未经实战考验,地球之战将会很是残暴。
  • 因为同伙发了然南非当局内部的危险阴谋,这名退隐的刺客不可不再次出山
  • A skilled young female agent is tasked with capturing a rogue former agent before she can unleash a biological weapon starting with the wealthy and powerful purveyors of the international sex trade.
  • 安妮(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)和杰克的恋情并未走到最初,掉落的安妮决意不再与特警恋爱,现任男朋友亚历克斯(杰森·帕特里克 Jason Patric 饰)为恋爱潜躲特警身份,但没法照旧露出,因此携安妮前往加勒比海度假作为填补。在他们的游轮上,躲躲着一位危险人物——计划汽船操作体系的工程师基格(威廉·达福 Willem Daf…
  • Brooklyn-based Ella Richards does freelance work as a seamstress to pay the bills, but is also a struggling fashion designer, her talent which her friend Max, who often gets her her sewing work, can see. She specializes in designs for plus sized women such as herself in knowing that the high end fashion industry largel…
  • While visiting a massacre memorial, a photographer finds herself drawn to a local woman. But their romance stirs up painful memories of a shared past.
  • 在出书社事情的西娅(琳赛·洛翰 Lindsay lonhan 饰)饱受刻薄的部下杰瑞(克里斯·帕内尔 Chris Parnell 饰)刁难,一次在女厕所和同事抱怨时却被隔壁的部下听到,获咎部下的西娅面临被卷展盖的危险,情急傍边,她谎称本人怀孕才幸免于难。  从此西娅的生存产生了天翻地覆的改变,周围的同事开端在各方面给予她赐顾帮衬,西娅很享用这类生存…