搜索 麦莎·阿德哈迪

  • [远山恋人]、[天堂此时]导演汉尼·阿布-阿萨德将自编自导阿拉伯语新片[胡达的沙龙](Huda’s Salon,暂译)。影片卡司包孕阿里·苏莱曼([必是天堂])、麦莎·阿德哈迪([特拉维夫在熄灭])等。影片报告一位女子前往一家美发沙龙,却遭到了店东的敲诈。该片将在巴勒斯坦开拍。
  • 'In Vitro' is an otherworldly rumination on memory, history, place and identity. Set in Bethlehem decades after an ecological-disaster, the dying founder of a subterranean orchard is engaged in a dialogue with her young successor, who was born underground and has never seen the town she's destined to replant and repopu…
  • Channel 4预订了Stephen Butchard编剧的六集一小时惊悚剧《Baghdad Central》。故事按照Elliott Colla的小说改编,布景是2003年萨达姆在巴格达倒台后,整个城郊区域掌握在同盟军的掌握中。  在一片杂乱、罪过和偏执中,一位伊拉克前差人Muhsin al-Khafaji掉了他的家、他的妃耦和他的职业生活生计,还要时刻在杂乱中保全本人和生病的女儿的安…