- When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her beloved father is hiding a wealthy man in her family's silo in order to save their struggling farm, she is forced to choose between saving the man's life or protecting her family from the consequences of their actions. AMERICAN FABLE is a fairytale thriller set in the 1980s rur…
- 昔时在努布拉岛营建侏罗纪公园时,约翰?哈蒙德(理查德?阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 饰)曾把附近的索纳岛作为恐龙的制作工厂。侏罗纪公园沦亡后,索纳岛上的恐龙在完全隔中断且窘蹙必要合成元素的情况下生计了4年时候。哈蒙德对此颇感猎奇,他从新找到马科姆博士(杰夫?高布伦 Jeff Goldblum 饰),约请他前往小岛审核。4年前履历让马科姆…