- 戈尔(约翰•库萨克 John Cusack 饰倒的木偶艺人,擅长操作舞台上傀儡木偶。生存所迫,他进进了一间纽约一间公司从事文件治理事情。这间公司在办公大厦的七楼半,因为它只有半层楼高,以是人员们都只能拱着腰事情。 恰是因为如许,戈尔有时发了然公司的文件柜前面有一扇门。猎奇心使令下,戈尔进进了这扇门。当戈尔一进进门内,立时便被吸进…
- Suspended between carefree youth and the harsh realities of the adult world, a teenage girl experiences an unsettling awakening in this haunting vision of innocence lost. based on the celebrated short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates, the narrative debut from Joyce Chopra features a…