- 地球变热激起的罕有的飓风囊括全球,随之而来的便是惊天大海啸和特大冰雹多难害:艾菲尔铁塔摇摇欲坠,埃及大金字塔风声鹤唳,纽约天然博物馆被浓雾吞噬,美国白宫刹时崩塌,死伤无数,整个地球刹时变为人世炼狱科学家罗斯传授构造倡议了一支风暴敢死队,他们用性命往争夺人类的最初一线朝气。而此时可骇份子的攻击让整个场面加倍杂乱不堪。就在…
- Young, bestselling author Eryn Bellow concludes her bookstore tour with her agent selling film rights and closing a six figure advance for her follow-up. Headwinds arise as critics get offended by the claims that Eryn is being declared a living literary legend.77mi.cc The storm gathers force as the assaults gravitate f…