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  • 城市里流传着一个希罕的传言。有一些流浪在外居无定所的人会偷偷潜进他人的家里,把本人潜躲起来,然后生存下往……  张家伟(霍建华 饰)是一家咖啡厅的老板,和妻女居住在一个高等小区里,生存优裕,家庭友善,可是他却患有严重的洁癖和强迫症,整天饱受心理疾病的熬煎,一天,他接到了哥哥掉落扣问德律风,神经一会儿紧张起来。到旧公寓寻…
  • Chan-woo, who has been studying to become a police officer for 5 years, joins his friends for dinner to ask for the money to apply for his exam and ends up getting drunk. He completely blacks out and wakes up not remembering what happened in his next door neighbor's room. Not only that, he finds a bloody corpse in the …
  • A once promising baseball star is constantly hunted by two hitmen when a young boy asks him to sell his baseball jacket. A high school student acquires a sleep control device to help him with his exams, and ends up getting more acquainted with the seller in the process. A prison guard buys a guitar and plays one last s…