搜索 苏里

  • 这对千禧世代哥俩好找不到人生方向,某天嗑药后却提了案子,以果敢的斩新社会公理应用程式募得千百万元。只是接下来,他们得设法生出这个程式。
  • 按照广西壮族官方传说改编而成的戏曲影戏。  砍柴女刘三姐(黄婉秋)以唱帮穷鬼解气的山歌名闻四乡,却也是以被视她为肉中刺的财主谗谄,侥幸捡得一条命后,她一起歌声沿江而下。老渔夫(张巨克)和儿子阿牛(刘世龙)通过歌声将她辨出,将她接进家中。远近乡平易近听闻,都赶来与刘三姐赛歌,以为她已人头落地的哥哥刘二(梁音)也是以机与她…
  • Kaaliyan has a sister who marries a young man without the permission from Kaaliyan and moves to Kolkata with her husband , where she faces unknown threats. Soon her brother Kaaliyan comes to the rescue.
  • A lawyer turns judge jury and executioner and goes after a gang, led by a minister's son, that threatens women with videos of them.
  • 1950年代中期。少先队员四年级学生吕小钢(苏立群饰)对奶奶(熊塞声饰)宠嬖妹妹小朵(柳乃林饰)很不满,连小朵的书包都是奶奶帮着收拾。有一次,早退的小朵居然没带教材往上学,书包里装的尽是玩具,弄得小钢在同学眼前很是为难。妈妈(秦怡饰)知道后,深感孩子教导问题的重大,而她事情太忙顾家太少,彼感自责。妈妈上班后,小钢遵循妈的丁…
  • Follows the life of a youngster from college to his marriage.
  • 高占武(李亚林 饰)和曹茂林(梁音 饰)不忍看见田园饱受缺水之苦,提议劈山引水,动静一经传开,就遭到了个性保守的老社长的否决,思惟开放的乡党委赵书记大白这是义举,决定使出全力撑持。在事情中,曹茂林碰见了还乡女青年孔淑贞(金迪 饰),坠进了情网,他请能言善辩的高占武替本人想孔淑贞剖明,没想到遭到了后者无情的回尽。实际上,高…
  • 1963岁首秋,冀津交壤的冀家庄遭受一场百年不遇的大洪水,行将成熟的秋庄稼在一米多深的大水中挣扎,堤下的村子也有被沉没的可能,大众大众的性命财富安然遭到严重威协。大队书记丁震洪(鲁速 饰)带领党员干部日夜奋战在大堤上,此时县委决定,为保障津浦铁路和天津市几百万大众的安然,在冀家庄堤段炸堤分洪。闻听此言,一下炸了锅,大队长大…
  • Unemployed Czech-speaking writer Nicholas Whistler thinks he's got a job visiting Prague for a bit of industrial espionage. In fact he is now in the employ of British Intelligence. His pretty chauffeuse on arrival behind the Iron Curtain, Comrade Simonova, is herself a Czech agent. Just as well she's immediately attrac…
  • Kathir works as an IT professional at Dindigul and visited his village on a holiday in order to attend his elder brother's wedding but only to realise that the wedding has been cancelled. Things take unexpected swift when relatives come to know that the woman who was engaged with the elder brother of Kathir is actually…