- Written by the director himself, the story revolves around an “absent” hero: an astronaut lost in the emptiness of space. His absence is spoken about indirectly here, from planet Earth. He was the nation’s son, loved and admired by all.…
- 阿德曼动画四次荣获奥斯卡金像奖的导演尼克·帕克和荣获艾美奖提名的梅林·科罗星汉带着斩新大冒险《超等无敌掌门狗:最强复仇鹅》重磅回回。在新影戏中,阿高担心华莱士过于依靠他的发明——而当华莱士发了然一个似乎拥有本人思惟的“伶俐”小矮人时,这类担心获取了证实。人们发明一个来自曩昔的复仇敌物可能在策划这一切,而阿高必需与邪恶势…
- In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to start doing business at a local level and climb up the ladder to become the biggest mafia boss in the country.