- After joining the Military following the death of his mother, Jake Williams returns home from war to his Father, Paul, and his sister, Brittney. Shortly after making amends with his father, Paul, for leaving them, Jake is left with the struggle of taking care of his sister and his fathers multi-million dollar company a…
- <p> 一个小社区正产生大批使人发指的罪过,路易斯侦察感觉这些举动恍如都是或人大概某种存在在针对她。路易斯和女儿关系不好,更没法找卧病在床的丈夫乞助,因此转向基督教报刊《基督卫报》的记者梅根修女求援。<br/> 梅根修女也有着糟糕的曩昔,曾见过人性至恶的一面。一方面她依旧坚信人性好的一面,另一方面又担心世界被邪…