- After losing everything, Ferry retired for a life below the radar, far away from Brabant. On the surface, he seems to be doing well, surrounded by superficial contacts. But deep down, his inner voice haunts him, preventing true happiness. Ferry's past is filled with violence, lies, and a trail of betrayal. He battles w…
- ——赌上一切往应战。上吧,才能的原石们啊。改变时代的,是咱们“Blue Lock(蓝色牢狱)”—— 为了培养出带领日本获取W杯优胜的射手,日本足联设立了“Blue Lock(蓝色牢狱)”计划。 被约请介进计划的是300名高中生。 并且全员都是FW(先锋)。 身处一旦被淘汰就会掉将来进进日本足球代表资历的极限状况下,被选中的才能的原石…
- 诸天万界第一神祇高冷道尊,穿越时候线收服将来一定会成为诸天大佬的少女们为徒,并带领她们开启改变诸天万界走向毁灭的冒险旅程,前路艰险,困难重重,她们是否能成功通过考验,建立斩新的世界?