Scott Ryan主创兼主演﹑Nash Edgerton执导的喜剧《中央人师长 Mr Inbetween》获FX预订6集首季。该喜剧按照Scott Ryan 2005年的短片《The Magician》所改编,报告主角Ray Shoesmith(Scott Ryan饰)身兼多职,包孕父亲﹑前夫﹑男朋友﹑死党……以及杀手。
In season three, Ray’s world has contracted. Family life looks a little different as he quietly mourns the loss of Bruce, while figuring out how to care for his aging father, Bill (Kenny Graham). As Brittany (Chika Yasumura) grows into …
为了寻求本人的“兔”生意义,年少轻狂的比得(詹姆斯·柯登 James Corden 配音)踏上了背井离乡的路并成功博得老江湖巴拿巴的喜爱、成为了团伙中的扛把子,怎料却将跟随而来的往日老友们推进死亡陷阱。 翻然觉悟后,比得化身“兔界阿汤哥”带领伙伴展开海陆空三栖大救援。高空跳伞、水下救援、雪山速滑、快艇追击,无所事事。在这场冒险旅途中…