- 这是一部悬疑剧,虚拟了四个拥有特别技术的女人Susan、Millie、Lucy和Jean,她们曾援助盟军提早取得二克服利。 战争竣事后,她们的生存逐步平平。一件凶杀案的产生,引发了她们的属意。
- Photon solar energy group is aiming to build a solar farm in Danebury. Blissfully unaware of the plan Andy and Lance are still looking for buried treasure - construction worker Andy, with Becky and their baby living with disapproving mother-in-law Veronica whilst Lance is sharing his flat with his messy, noisy teen-age…
- 本季共4集,每两集一个案子。 Hattie Morahan扮演的Alice已经也是布莱切利的一员,如今她面临谋杀的指控,立时要面临绞刑,Jean找回Susan、Millie和Lucy援助Alice洗清罪名,却揭开了更深的黑幕。 Susan分开英国前往印度,开端斩新的生存,Millie却因为做暗盘买卖堕进了重大的麻烦,甚至会有人命之忧……