- <p> 1930年代的俄克拉荷马州正遭受致命沙尘暴的攻击<br/> 一位妇女深信有某种邪恶实力在威逼她家人的安危。<br/> 《美国可骇故事》莎拉·保罗森领衔主演<br/> 探照灯影业斩新惊悚影戏《屏息》10 月 3 日 Disney+ 出色上线</p>
- A small Rhode Island community comes together to create special Halloween and Christmas moments several weeks early for an 8-year-old girl with a life threatening illness. At the beginning of the film, the father (John Corbett) gives his ill daughter a snow globe of a little girl holding a snow globe, and inside that …