- Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawns to him that the reality around him is a far cry from what is written in the newspaper.
- Curtis一家被选中往测试一种刷新性的居家设备:数字家庭助手AIA,包孕各类感应设备和摄像甲等,能把“智能家庭”提升到新境界,从进修家庭成员的举动、猜测他们的需求开端,AIA会保证:没有任何对象——任何人——阻碍这一家人。包孕杀人,以及……
- 本剧改编自Thomas Perry的同名畅销书。杰夫·布里吉斯扮演的Dan Chase是一个退休的CIA官员,几十年前从CIA逃脱,从此低调隐居。但如今一个杀手找上门来,要把他解决。而Chase为了化解麻烦,不可不重访本人的曩昔……