- Deeks disappears while on an undercover assignment for the LAPD; Hetty offers help, so Callen and company lend a hand; Eric follows a trace to a Serbian bad guy; Deeks shows up and solves the case, and the team get him out of a tight spot.
- 作为"水兵罪案查询拜访处"的衍生剧,"水兵罪案查询拜访处: 洛杉矶"如今已独当一面。 刺激的爆炸排场,明与暗的较劲是该剧的重要基调。脚色之间相亲相爱布满笑料的对话也为剧情增加了一抹亮彩,甚至已超出剧情成了观众们最为津津有味的部分。 第三季末,跟着最终大boss变色龙浮出水面,两边僵持棋局也越展越大,Mik…