- In the movie, we will see young Panda travelling from China to Africa to rescue his best friend, Jielong the Dragon, who has been kidnapped. On his journey, young Panda discovers a world completely unknown to him, and faces frightening hippos, suspicious hyenas and wise gorillas. Relying on his wits (and some newfound …
- 悍娇虎(凯瑞·华格伦 配音)少女时辰跟着师傅(达斯汀·霍夫曼 配音)辛劳练功,却始终没法获取师傅的承认。毕竟有一天,劲敌野猪来袭,打败了一众高手,几近无人能敌。混血大师被击败后来到翡翠宫找师傅,停整理师傅能阻拦野猪,因此师傅准许接收应战。可是就在交锋的头几天,师傅因为吃了阿波(杰克·布莱克 配音)做的饭而食品中毒没法应战…