- Brother's Blood takes place on the mean streets of a city in decay, where a recently released convict begins to take murderous revenge against his childhood friends, whom he believes let him take the fall for a crime they collectively committed. As the bodies start piling up, one of the friends, now a cop, will stop at…
- Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's unexpected death, 30-year-old Peel is left lost and utterly alone. With no jo…
- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>在枪案频发的芝加哥,保罗原本是一个温文儒雅仁心高手的医生,拥有一个侥幸完竣的家庭。一场突如其来的厄运让他的妻女惨遭大盗凌辱,女儿不省人事,爱妻更是以丧掉性命,与他天人永隔。然而,城市里连串的凶案让警方一筹莫展,各种启事使得保罗的案件没法了案,本应遭到制裁的凶徒逃出法网。<b…
- 夜幕笼罩下的肯尼迪国际机场,一架从柏林飞来的航班悄无声息下降在销毁的跑道上。蹊跷的事务引来各部分的关注,美国疾控中央纽约地区首席医疗官伊弗雷姆·古德温泽(寇瑞·斯托尔 Corey Stoll 饰)带领手下进进机舱,发明两百多名乘客在毫蒙昧觉的情况下神秘死亡。从未见过的寄生虫、忽然新生的死者、离奇磨灭的巨型棺材以及官方语焉不详此地无…