Landmark drama starring Jenna Coleman. Victoria depicts the ascension to the throne of Britain's former longest-reigning monarch in a time of resurgent republicanism and her marriage to Prince Albert, up to the birth of their first child in 1840.
StarZ八集史诗迷你剧 The Pillars of the Earth 圣殿年龄 故事以英国作家肯.弗雷特Ken Follett于1989年出书的同名小说为底本,报告1120年英国皇太子William Adelin坐船于英伦海峡English Channel沉没,英王尽嗣后的政治动荡时代,一个石匠家庭及其身旁人产生的事 位于英国南部城镇Kingsbridge的修道院,院长Phillip矢志兴…