- The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the small, antiquated island of St. Jory. Confronted by the forgotten and unsolved case of missing teenage boy Cai, Grace quickly disc…
- <p> 已过而立之年的汉娜·梅滕(米娜·唐德 Mina Tander 饰)是一家医院的医生,固然事业顺利,饮食无忧,且育有一个心爱的女儿莉娅(Lina Köhlert 饰),可是她和丈夫的婚配已经走进死胡同,身心疲困不堪。这一晚,汉娜的医院领受一位服用安息药过量不成救药的患者,而对鲠直是汉娜童年时代的好同伙克拉丽莎(Laura de Bo…