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  • 该片由丹尼斯德库尔执导,围绕一具女尸在韩国被发明展开的故事。欧嘉柯瑞兰寇扮演从法国来的法医,柳演锡扮演与欧嘉柯瑞兰寇一起破案的韩国刑警,芮智苑扮演翻译官。
  • The life of Moonjung, the main character of Greenhouse, is not happy. She suffers from a psychological disorder, her young son is locked up in a juvenile detention center, and since she has no home, she lives in a greenhouse. She sometimes sees a man, but she’s not sure if she really loves him. However, since she is ni…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 文贞(金瑞亨 饰)住在一个塑料大棚中,以赐顾帮衬一对掉明/掉能的老佳耦为生,某天产生了一场不测,她为了行将刑满开释的儿子选择官逼平易近反,这也将她的人生推向更深的深渊…