- 广袤壮观的澳洲大陆,小男孩科迪(亚当·雷恩 Adam Ryen 配音)和妈妈生存于此,科迪交友了许多动物同伙,天天尽兴享用大天然的奉送。然而,接二连三盗猎者毫无所惧捕杀动物、破损了澳洲大陆的安好。这一日,科迪不测遭受邪恶的盗猎者麦克里奇,为了抓住名贵的金雕,麦克里奇把男孩算作诱饵绑架起来。这一动静通过动物们很快传到地球另一边的美…
- Dr Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough. He has taught his dolphins to speak and understand English, although they do have a limited vocabulary. When the dolphins are stolen, he discovers they're to be used in an assassination attempt. Now he is in a race to disc…